Dear Kamran Baradaran,
Your question is complex—“what does it mean to be a philosopher in the middle of a pandemic in India”.
Philosopher has no adjective—national, linguistic, and even of schools. In your question “the pan” or “the whole“ of the “pandemic” (what has befallen the whole) speaks of that which exceeds adjectives such as…
Happy birthday to you my dearest Jean-Luc!
I do not know the name of my relation to you as it evades capture while its births never cease to surprise me. Friend, yes, because it is a word, like “being”, that is able to gather nearly every relationship and occasion. In the beginning I was a…
Through the words of the English translator of Agamben’s “Requiem per gli Studenti” (“Requiem for the Students”) we come to know that Italy is the exceptional place where the theory of exception holds — “Agamben refers specifically to developments in Italy.”[1] Agamben’s requiem sketches an idyll of the university which, he notes, is coming to an…
It is frightfully sublime in part because of its obscurity. – Immanuel Kant
Implicit within the debate on Coronavirus curated by Antinomie and archived by Sergio Benvenuto[i] is the question—for what must we carry on? That is, do we—humanity, which has been reckoned by many thinkers as the error in nature—carry on for the sake of carrying on? Or, should…
In philosophizing we may not terminate a disease of thought. It must run its natural course, and slow cure is all important.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Implicitly we are asking in these discussions about the COVID-19 pandemic [1] is there a norm for man? Earlier it was philosophy that had the task of constituting the systems under which the limits and also the…